
“Skylink Broadband” Acquires BTS Advanced Communications As First Step

PARTRIDGE, KAN., March 19, 2020 – Rural Reno County residents will soon have better internet infrastructure and speed upgrades through a new partnership between Skylink Wireless and IdeaTek. Under the name SkyLink Broadband, they are acquiring local internet provider BTS Advanced Communications, creating a greater pool of resources to solve rural broadband challenges in the area.

“This is a critical time to join efforts, as the BTS owner is retiring and IdeaTek has federal funds to bring fiber to select portions of our service area over the next few years,” said Skylink Wireless owner Ardell Yoder. “As COVID-19 magnifies rural connectivity issues, our mission is to provide first-class service in these areas. By pooling our resources, Skylink Broadband will have greater access to fiber infrastructure, enabling us to provide even faster, more reliable point-to-point services in the short-term, and fiber to select areas in the future.”

Yoder said Skylink will be contacting BTS customers to welcome them to the Skylink family. The coming weeks and months will mark the beginning of an extensive upgrade process on many of the Skylink/BTS tower sites to ensure high-speed and reliable connections. “Skylink and BTS have been providing a very valuable service to the rural communities of Reno County for many years, and we look forward to helping bring the freedom of better access to the area,” said Daniel Friesen, IdeaTek’s co-founder and Chief Innovation Officer.

For more information, BTS and Skylink customers should email Skylink at
[email protected] or visit

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